~ ABOUT me ~

The lost elf...
Waiting 2 find a home...
Waiting 2 feel like a human being...
Finding true hope and love...

~ SCREAM here!!! ~

~ MY precious FRIENDS ~

VERY undesirable CAMEN
SIMON says
FULL of XOXO eli
VIVA la VIDA boon
KING david
DOGGY and KITTY teng
FOREVER miyoko
FUNKY kenny AKA rachel

~ THE long HISTORY ~

November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
May 2009

- Kamen Riders??? -

Currently listening to : Journey Through The Decade - Gackt

Hey guys I just found a topic which I really want to share with you guys so here goes... It's KAMEN RIDERS!!! Kids know it by its English name which is MASKED RIDERS while older people call it Kamen Rider... And no this is not a REVIEW for kids it's for everyone...

For those who thinks this is just a child's TV show then think again... Kamen Rider is actually one of the best TV series to start off if you want to watch Japanese drama series... The kids one is Masked Rider which is the ENGLISH copy-version of this hit show... That is the one which created a wrong BRANDING of Kamen Rider to a lot of people...

Anyways a brief history about Kamen Rider... It started in the year 1971 and did not stop growing ever since... The show is separated into TWO ERAS which is the Showa and the Heisei eras... Showa series are the Kamen Riders where the creator is still ALIVE and after his passing the Heisei era started and a strong fanbase was created across ASIA...

According to its arrangement in Showa era, it started off with Kamen Rider, then V3, X, Amazon, Stronger, Skyrider, Super-1, Black, and finally Black RX...

The Heisei era showed a stronger themed and PLOT for Kamen Rider which started off with Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, 555 ( Faiz ), Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, and the latest Decade...

I've completed 3 of the Heisei series which is Den-O, Kiva, and Faiz and currently watching Ryuki, Kabuto, and Decade which is still running... Today I'll give a brief SUMMARY and an opinion in the 3 series which I have completed watching...

Kamen Rider Den-O


The story revolves around a young man named RYOUTARO Nogami... He has this BAD LUCK charm no matter what he do or where he is at any point of time... One day, he finds a strange PASS and things got stranger from a mysterious girl and a large time-traveling TRAIN and not to mention IMAGINS, a type of monster which comes from the future to attempt to CHANGE the past...

Ryoutaro is then possessed by one of the Imagin called MOMOTAROS which enabled him to have the power to transform into Kamen Rider Den-O to destroy the other Imagins who are trying to DESTROY the world... And there starts the mysterious story about the Junction Point and his sister's boyfriend's mysterious DISAPPEARANCE...


This is basically the FIRST Kamen Rider series which I finished watching... Since this is the first this means I kinda FORGET most of the story so the review won't be very detailed... This series was actually quite FAMOUS which caused me to watch it and remained watching other SERIES... The show started off with a simple CONCEPT of time travelling which the creator perfectly make full use of it...

The pros in this series is actually the usage of all the FORMS that the Rider has... One of my complaints about other series is that they don't fully utilize all their forms but this is not the CASE here... Each form is given a lot of episodes to EXPAND so this is really a top-notch job done by the creator...

Another things is that the character DEVELOPMENT in the series is also very strong and the whole series ends very well and also not to forget the main protagonist's lifestyle which is always very ENTERTAINING to watch... And not to forget they let every villain to have two episodes before they were defeated which shows how humans can be WEAK sometimes... But this series has a major FLAW in the plot...

The show started off STRONG with lots of mysteries not solved until the end of the series... And that's when the whole show CRUMBLES down... A very strong start but at the end the storyline is so CONFUSING and twisting that it's so difficult for me to understand what they are talking about which leads to a BAD ending for me... I liked everything in the first half but the confusing plot in the end just ruined every single second that I enjoyed... So I give this series a...

5 out of 10

This series is so famous that there are like four movies on this series alone which is the most for any Kamen Rider series!!!

Kamen Rider Kiva


WATARU Kurenai, a young man whose parents left him in an infamous haunted house, was a shy person and has a DISEASE to everything in the world... Since the day he was born, he was destined to FIGHT with the power of Kamen Rider KIVA against monsters called Fangires who sucks the life force of humans to survive... The story is split between the ACTIONS of Wataru in the present and his father Otoya in the past, slowly revealing the link between the Fangire Race and KIVA...


Well this one I just completed it last year so hopefully I still have FRESH memory for this one... This series has a vampire theme which is damn COOL and also a new system in TV shows which is switching between the year 1986 and 2008 for the whole show... This allowed a full development of all the CHARACTERS including his father in 1986...

The show also has BITS of time-travelling which I won't spoil it out... Compared to Den-O this series only lack of the development of villians which I don't really mind for KIVA...

The two setbacks in this series is the forms and the plot... In this series, Kiva didn't really utilize all the FORMS he can turn to and especially when he has his Final Form he just used that for the REST of the show... Yes the last form is also the strongest but the creator should give us a little VARIETY...

In this series the story started off with a BANG and continued on until the episode where there's no more 1986 and after that it was just disappointing... The creator RUSHED for the ending and that's why it was a setback which gave this show a lower score than it should be...

7 out of 10 ( for the cool Kamen Rider IXA )

Kamen Rider Faiz


The story revolves around a man called TAKUMI Inui who has just lost his gym bag... One day when having lunch he saw the same bag which is taken by a girl named MARI Sonada... After taking the bag from her, he found out that the bag is not his but it contains a briefcase from SMART BRAIN with a belt and phone inside... That's when a monster which humans called it ORPHNOCH attacked Takumi and Mari for the belt... Takumi then wears the belt and transformed into Kamen Rider FAIZ and a whole new journey started...


I just finished watching this series TODAY and all I can say is wow... Its not like the other Kamen Rider series... This one is actually not even SUITABLE for kids!!! The show challenge us about what is HUMANITY and also a lot of question on which is right and which is WRONG...

The show has lots of mysteries and the character development is SUPERB... Even all the main villians have their FULL storyline here... I felt so attached in ALL the characters in the show and even the show ended I still wonder about what would really be the END for them... Best ending that I have seen in Kamen Rider SERIES...

The creator here is also courageous enough to KILL off the characters when it's time... A lot of show would never do that but not here... Once it's enough then you are DEAD... The dark theme created in the story makes me really CRAVE for more and sometimes you think that person won't like do that yet suddenly boom and surprise, he killed SOMEONE... So this series really isn't suitable for kids as there's no such thing that everything is WONDERFUL in life... This is a series that would definitely make me REWATCH it again...

Talk about its cons it has only one which is its forms again... They didn't fully utilize it which didn't spark an INTEREST to me when a new form came out or when he's using his FINAL form...

9 out of 10 ( due to not utilizing all forms )

If anyone has any QUESTIONS or want to watch any one of the series please don't hesitate to ASK me...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

- Randomzz -

Feelings: Happy yet empty in heart... Even though I have no chance I still miss you...

First RANDOM post as I've no idea what to talk about yet felt like blogging...

Today was one heck of a day for me... Just completed the HIV/AIDS workshop conducted by interns from Kazakhstan and Korea... Very informative but can be improved... No pictures as I was too busy studying how to use a CONDOM and listening to my friend's SEX talk and the theory of HIV coming from monkeys...

Anyways just a few moment ago I was planning to catch up with some of my high school mates at her house but in the end got CANCELED due to her need of studying so instead David and I went to find our old gang at the badminton court and we went down to 'pasar malam' to catch up on the RECENT happenings among us... Felt glad that I could meet back some of my old mates...

One thing I want to promote here is for all the SENIOR 5 HOPE students in year 2007 please come for the gathering at my place on the 4TH of APRIL at 5.30P.M. as a lot of us will be leaving soon so this might be the last time we can meet until like years... So please do ATTEND okay??

Another thing is for those who are interested in knowing more about HIV/AIDS you can join our workshop conducted by AIESECERS so if you are interested please email or SMS me...

Currently Awaiting:

Star Trek

12 Rounds

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

The Shinjuku Incident

Monsters VS Aliens


Land Of The Lost

Angels And Demons


The Taking Of Pelham 123

G.I. Joe

The International

Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

Terminator Salvation

Currently Addicted To:

Left 4 Dead

Kamen Rider Faiz


Kamen Rider Decade

Friday, March 13, 2009

- Too Late... -

Have you ever felt that you are TOO LATE for something??? Anything at all???

Well I just felt that today... I was already in suspicion for about two weeks but I just brushed it off... Maybe it was this or maybe it was that... But this MORNING showed me that you must always take a step when you have a chance to... I was too late... There's no such thing as turning back in life... Just like what happened last year... There's just no turning back but just hope for the body to HEAL if possible...

Deep down I CRIED and was breaking down... Felt hopeless and LONELY... Concentration wasn't there for the day... If only I have taken the BOLD move... I blame no one but my own self for this...

Even though this is not the end but it feels like an END of a chapter to me... Looking down on an empty hallway I slowly realized... There's never been anything going my way in this sort of things... It was a pitiful and SAD day for me today... But at least I learned what I need to learn... And I know in FUTURE what I could do but shouldn't do... To prevent my heart from dying one piece at a time...

Wish you all the best with him...

Anyways sad story apart lets talk about some of the REVIEWS I can think of to ease my mind...


Watchmen The Movie


For fanboys and fangirls this was the MOMENT we have waited since the day we finished reading the graphic novel... The story within it is so intense and so full of stories within each character that it's too hard to describe to everyone... Even in the movie itself...

For those who have no idea what WATCHMEN is about, it's about an alternate 1985 where President Nixon is elected as President due to the help of a masked vigilant named Dr. Manhattan which is the only being with powers... In this world SUPERHEROES are very real even though they don't have any abilities but they tried to protect the SOCIETY until an act came which banned all adventuring a.k.a. masked vigilantes walking around saving people... On top of this story is that the Soviet Union also planned on a nuclear war due to U.S. having the strength of Dr. Manhattan...

The story starts with the DEATH of one of the masked vigilantes which caused an investigation on who's ticking off costumed heroes and the story goes on...

For fans of the graphic novel and for those who have read it might find the movie quite entertaining and while the director Zack Snyder followed and copied about 70% of the NOVEL into the movie he chose to delete off some of the major parts of the novel... And I'm actually glad that he changed the ending to something much and I mean really much BETTER than the novel which certainly closed the story better... Hopefully those important scenes will be in the unreleased DVD which I'm hoping to get...

So in conclusion for fans, watch the show if you have the chance... It's the BEST Watchmen-to-movie that you can get even though there were some flaws in it...

For people who have no idea of Watchmen but want to watch this movie, this review is for you... As some of my friends didn't read the novel first, they complained a lot on how strong Dr. Manhattan is or how long the movie was and how boring it is for some... But actually the movie was already a SUPER CUTTHROAT of the real novel with some important parts missing...

For those who seek for action you won't find much in the movie but Zack Snyder included a few interesting action scenes that the novel can't offer... If you have 3 hours to spare then Watchmen is something for you... It might be long and the character development wasn't really strong compared to the novel but it can be said as the BEST movie in cinemas now...

Anyways for those who have yet to read the novel please WATCH the movie first and see whether it's suitable for you... Then go ahead to the novel as it would clear the whole PICTURE that the movie will give you...

out of 10


Dragonball: Evolution


Ahhh Dragonball... Who could have forget the old days where children run around and shout Kame-hame-ha or trying to turn into SAIYANS and stuff... Well Hollywood sure knows how to earn money and produce movies that are popular to everyone... Even my parents know what is DRAGONBALL...

For those who don't know what Dragonball is about, well look no further... It's about a boy named GOKU who has been trained since young and he has to collect the 7 Dragonballs scattered around the world to make one perfect WISH while the evil Piccolo tries to stop him...

I'm not really sure whether this plot is the same with the MANGA as it's been long since I read Dragonball and there are a lot of so called parts and seasons in the manga... Anyways that's the SUMMARY of the movie...

To tell you the truth Hollywood's incarnation of some FAMOUS figures has been either a hit or a miss... Examples like Transformers and Dark Knight has been a total hit while Hulk or Fantastic Four for me has been a total miss... For me Dragonball: Evolution is a miss... Not totally but still a high miss...

Apart from the cool SLOW-MO action sequence which the movie is packed with, everything else was quite a rip-off... The lack of character development, cheesy lines, funny accent especially Kame-hame-ha, the HAIRSTYLE Goku has, and the short plot ruined the whole fun in watching the movie...

The movie has a whole lot of POTENTIAL in it but it was wasted fully except for the front part of the movie before Goku know about Piccolo which was quite good... And I just received news that they are spawning a SEQUEL for the series... Hopefully they know their mistake now and try to improve it for the second one...

out of 10



1856 In Action

WooHooo I finally got the game!!! It has been on my WISH LIST for quite a while but I deleted it a long time ago because its difficult for me to get it in Malaysia... Recently I went down to SINGAPORE and I got hold of this small-box-yet-massive-playtime set...

Don't let the cover or the components of the game fool you... It's a total CHAOS and massive railroading/stock market in a box!!!

is all about trains and stocks... For those who are taking business or Economics this is one suitable game for you...

You start off as the president of a private company and that's when innovation and railroad breakthrough turn you into a president of public companies railroading in UPPER CANADA... You have different entities in the game as presidents and also a shareholder of other companies which your opponents hold... The winner is determined by who has the most cash at end game...

Watch out as transfer of presidency can occur anytime and also the Government which can take over your company at a point of time during the game... The duration for a full game is approximately 4 hours which can span even longer but you won't feel the time pass as chaos on tracks and also share prices are ENSURED in the game!!!

In my opinion 1856 is one of the best game I owned currently... A simple mistake can cause a lot of damage in the later part of the game and a lot of interaction among players will definitely occur and don't forget the chaos or the backstabbing... For those who want to have a go with this game you can always contact me through my e-mail or leave a COMMENT in my chatbox...

out of 10

That's all I can update for now... Tune in next time for more reviews and STUFF...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

- I'm Currently... -

1) Have no time to update MY BLOG
2) Sad because I have nowhere else to go in my AIESEC journey
3) Sad because I could
4) Stressed due to my TRIALS AND FINALS soon
5) Waiting for WATCHMEN'S release date
6) Planning on the next TI3 gaming session
7) DREAMING of getting this and that
8) Reading
NARUTO manga
9) Watching Kamen Rider
10) Watching Kamen Rider KABUTO
11) Planning to watch Kamen Rider FAIZ
12) Deciding on whether to stop watching HEROES
14) Planning for the trip to
15) WAITING to see her again
16) Anticipating the first AG on Wednesday


Twilight Imperium 3 (TI3)...


Kamen Rider Decade...

Kamen Rider Kabuto...

Kamen Rider Faiz...


Too many things that I'm currently doing in my life... Causes me to BLOG less... After my finals I guess I can blog more hahax... CIAOZZZ...


Sunday, March 01, 2009